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Search: Display
Assembly/Version:AtGDB TAIR5 (17 Dec 2004) AtGDB TAIR6 v155 (17 Aug 2006) AtGDB TAIR7 v163 (27 Dec 2007) AtGDB TAIR8 v165 (17 April 2008) AtGDB TAIR9/10 v171 (17 April 2009) Chr:1 2 3 4 5 Start: End: Display:
Text search: "phospholipase C" (use quotes) Multiple query items: Separate items with a space (for boolean AND), or line feed (for boolean OR) Wild card: use % or * . Examples: AC%035 or AC*035 Single-character wild card: use (.) or (_). Examples: AC3(.)035 or AC3(_)035 See also comprehensive data type examples below - click on Sample Input
Below are valid classes and identifiers for ATGDB. Copy an ID and use it for a test search.