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PlantGDB Download Portal
This download page contains the Pinuspinaster assembly results (assembled by PlantGDB). For more information about the assembly, please see EST assembly information page.
Files for Download
- File or Directory Name / Date / File Size
Tips for using the Download Portal:
- Choose sequence type from left menu
- Select or enter species
- Use links to either move down in the directory structure or upload files to your browser.
- To save files to your local disk, right mouse click and "Save Target As...").
- To uncompress .bz2 files, use command bunzip2 filename.bz2 on Unix/Linux
- Select PlantGDB or any xGDB (for genome browser data) from the menu at left
- Directories contain MySQL table structures (*.sql files) and table data (*.txt files) as generated by a MySQL "dump" command.
- To save files to your local disk, right mouse click and "Save Target As...").
- To uncompress .bz2 files, use command bunzip2 filename.bz2 on Unix/Linux
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