Alternative splicing visualization tool...
Tables and columns in the TAG database
(1) Good_Matches: This is the main table contains most of the EST alignment information.
Columns: alignID each EST alignment has a specific ID.
Genome/gi/start/stop self explanatory, indicating ESTgi aligned to which region of chromosome/BAC
Gont/Qont orientation of the alignment on Genome/Query cDNA
Similar similarity of the alignment
length length of the match region
Cov Coverage of the match region on the cDNA
isCognate Is this an Cognate alignment? True means that this is the best alignment for the cDNA.
SeqType EST or cDNA, or cross-species EST
PGS Predicted Gene Structure, including coordinates for each intron/exon
GeneStructure Length for the predicted intron/exon
(2)SIfull: This is the main table hold all special intron (alternative splicing events) information.
Columns: alignID Which EST alignment the special intron come from
IntronID The ID of special intron (or exon in ExonS case, will be changed in newer version)
Genome/Lstart/Lstop/len self explanatory
Ecnt EST counts supporting the intron
gi A representative EST supporting the intron
Dscore/Ascore Donor/Acceptor site score predicted by GeneSeqer
AltID The ID for alternative special intron (or exon in IntronR and ExonS case)
AltGi/AltEcnt A representative EST/EST counts supporting the AltID
SItype Special intron type.
hostIntron The assumed constitutively spliced introns. Meaningful only for AltD/A/P events
geneID Which gene does the special intron belongs to
SIid ID for the special intron / AS events
SItypeF Simple version for SItype. Different with the SItype only in AltD/A/P events.
(3) TAGenes: The expressed gene list. Most columns are self explanatory.
Txn The count of transcription support for the gene.
Note: if an EST cluster is in a novel region or different orientation with the annotated gene,
it may be named as "TC_XXXX".
(4) TAGexons: The high quality exon list.
Columns: alignID Which EST alignment the exon is originally from.
num The order of exons in the original alignment.
Qstart/Qstop/Lstart/Lstop Coordinates of the exon on Query or Genome
score Similarity score for the exon alignment
Genome/gi self explanatory
Ecnt EST count supporting the exons
exonCNT How many exons does the origin alignment have.
ExonP Position of the exon in the alignment (First/Medium/Last).
In some case, the positions are changed after merging with other exons.
Include How many compatible exons are merged with this exon
ExonID The unique exon identification
(5) TAGintrons: The high quality exon list.
Columns: alignID Which EST alignment the intron is originally from.
gi/Genome/Lstart/Lstop/len self explanatory
num The order of introns in the original alignment.
Dscore/Ascore Donor/Acceptor site score predicted by GeneSeqer
UEsim/DEsim similarity for 50bp Upstream/Downstream exons flanking the intron
IntronID The unique intron identification
(6) eTrans: the electronic transcript sequence coordinates.
This table is used to show the theoretical combination of compatible introns/exons.
They corresponding to the green bar/lines in the webpage when you click "eTranscript".
Columns: clustID EST cluster ID
eID if an EST cluster has multiple eTrans, they will be numbered accordingly.
"s" means single exon eTrans
Genome/TFrom/TTo/TLen transcript starting/ending position/length on which Chr/BAC
ExonIntron The ExonID and IntronID used to generate this eTrans
Transcript coordinates on genome for the corresponing intron/exon structure
Gene structure Length for each exon/intron
INum Number of introns on the eTrans
AALen the coded peptide length
Frame which translation frame
tATG/tTAA start and stop codon on the eTrans cDNA
CDStart/CDStop start and stop codon on the genome coordinates.
Note: the minus number means that there is no real stop codon,
the eTrans sequences has ended. (open triangle in the graph)
SI special intron/alternative splicing events on this eTrans
(7) gbk_gene_annotation: the table held gene annotation (not necessarily from genbank).
Most column names should be self explanatory or similar to the ones in eTrans table.
block1 or block2 columns if any are used for speed up query process only.
The gene annotation is shown as blue bars in the graph.